The Alliuris Group

Companies are faced with ever increasing competition and challenges from globalization. You therefore need to develop and strengthen your relations in the European and the global markets. Alliuris firms can greatly assist businesses in your international and cross-border legal business needs.

The Alliuris Group is a strong alliance of independent, medium sized law firms in Europe, USA, Latin America and Asia, specialised in European and international business law. The experience of our firms covers the areas of civil, corporate and commercial law, enabling you to achieve your international business goals on a sound legal basis

Alliuris firms are conversant with the requirements of international clients, the partners in our firms are experienced in understanding the differing approach of foreign clients to legal matters and are able to respond to their needs and questions. Often our lawyers speak several languages and have enjoyed their legal education in several countries.

Alliuris provides widespread professional connections within its global network, and today the Alliuris alliance counts for more than 30 offices and 450 lawyers in Europe and other major markets in the world.


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„One of the great things about Alliuris is that all of the lawyers that we work with are highly professional and competent.“

Ray Vandenberg,
New York City

Latest news

Investing in Chile

Santiago-Chile , 12.03.2025 | Chile is a model and pioneer for South America in the development of a policy to attract investment, supported by clear and stable legal mechanisms.

Legal Services for


To ensure your establishment in European and Global markets, you may need a representative office or a branch operation, a wholly owned subsidiary, a joint venture with local partners or even an operation for production etc.


Global markets are the basis for the international growth of a company. When entering new markets it is essential that you do so on a sound legal footing. Potential pitfalls and areas of conflict with your customers should be avoided wherever possible.


Technical innovation and technology are the driving forces for development and sustaining competitive advantage for companies.


The ALLIURIS Group is composed of independent, medium sized law firms in Europe, who specialise in European and international business law. The experience of the firms covers all areas of civil and commercial law – to enable them to fulfil all the requirements of the medium sized company.

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