16 June 2020 | Important changes in federal and provincial legislation, filing deadlines and availability of services. This update addresses the federal level and provincial levels (with focus on Ontario, Québec, British Columbia and Alberta).
The Québec government has released an information bulletin on extension of the Health Services Fund employer contribution credit for employees on leave with pay to August 29, 2020; deferral, to September 1, 2020, of the remittance of tax payable by trusts for the year 2020; and amendments to be made to tax legislation to give the Minister of Revenue discretionary power to extend the deadline for filing tax incentive applications for businesses.
Financial Institutions
The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions has prepared guidelines for Federally Regulated Deposit-Taking Institutions and Federally Regulated Insurers in relation to COVID-19.
The Canadian Securities Administrators have prepared a reminder to securities issuers with respect to disclosure, and have encouraged issuers to refer to their continuous disclosure obligations in relation to COVID-19.
The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada has issued a notice with respect to COVID-19 Related Exemptions from IIROC Rules.
The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario has issued updates in relation to Health Service Provider filing deadlines, and Segregated Funds filing deadlines.
Labor and Employment
The Ontario government has prepared a Regulation (O. Reg. 228/20) under the Employment Standards Act with respect to emergency leave in relation to COVID-19.
The federal government has prepared Interim Orders No. 7 and No. 10 regarding restrictions on boarding flights in Canada.
Intellectual Property
The federal Canadian Intellectual Property Office has prepared updates on availability and Trademarks Opposition Board extensions due to COVID-19.