Classic Edition 2013 – Thomas Blondelle and Liebrecht Vanbeckevoort.
This collection of German Lieder has the big ambition to make you dream away. This naturally means in the first place: to dream of a better world full of quietness, relaxation and happiness. From an oppressive „horror movie“, the Erlkönig from Schubert, to Schumann`s frisky Träumerei, form the man who wanted to bury his dark dreams and thoughts in the Dichterliebe from Schumann, to the rest of Liszt´s Wanderers Nachtlied; and, lastly, the wide and calm sea in Meeres Stille via the horrors of Mahler`s Revelge and Tambourgesell to the terminal point of the record: Träume from Wagner, where the dreams take over the reality and everything drowns in one big sea of dreams.
The tenor Thomas Blondelle undertood his studies at the Bruges Conservatory under Catherine Vandevelde and studied musicology at the university of Leuven.
Liebrecht Vanbeckevoort is a pioneer of the new generation of Belgian pianists since several years.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]